About Virtual Storefronts By Uspace

"Store owners using your platform as their web presence certainly has a real impact on their bottom line."
Scott Hamilton, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Golden LEAF Foundation
Our Vision Is To Digitally Connect Tourists And Shoppers To Local Shops To Drive Sales In Real Life
Merchant Solution
Merchants love the Storefront they can set up and control from their Admin Panel, but demands no time to run or manage.
We assist shop owners with Keyword Magic, a filing system that tells Shoppers what each Shop has.
Connecting Shoppers
Keywords make items that are locally available to a Shopper discoverable at Virtualstorefronts.com, where all Storefronts are hosted.
Shoppers just type in what they are looking for like they do at Amazon.com or Google.com.
But instead of e-commerce results and corporate SEO hits at Google, at Virtualstorefronts.com Shoppers provides a list of every local merchant that has what they are looking for, nearest first.
Rewiring The Economy For Local Business
48% of each purchase using Virtualstorefronts.com is recirculated locally, compared to less than 14% of purchases at national big box stores. 100% of sales via Virtualstorefronts.com are at local, independent businesses.
Quotes From Media
“Local merchants are the people online shoppers have been waiting for. They have no skin in the data mining game, so they aren’t going to invade your privacy. Merchants are community builders by trade, community leaders by default.”
– “Can Local Beauty Brands Reject E-Commerce Giants?,” Beauty Business Journal, November 30, 2021
“A small percentage of local merchants who understand how to use these complex systems can survive and even thrive,” but even for those businesses that do successfully work the system, “these tools still require an excessive amount of time, the most scarce resource of the local merchant.”
– “Can Local Beauty Brands Reject E-Commerce Giants?,” Beauty Business Journal, November 30, 2021
“Tobin Brogunier fell in love with small-town mom-and-pop shops at age 15 when he worked for his local comic shop in Bangor, Maine. Fast forward a decade or so and Brogunier has watched shopping transform from something built on relationships and personal service to a business of clicks and online forms.”
– “More Than a Click: Entrepreneur Tests Platform to Promote Local Shopping,” Daily Yonder Journal, February 4, 2022
“I encourage local merchants to look at how they fit into a future people want. Virtual Storefronts sees a very different vision of the future that fulfills the needs of the online user. We look at what is currently a scarcity online and make those things abundant…Online is transactional, cold and efficient. Merchants are relational and human.”
– “Can Local Beauty Brands Reject E-Commerce Giants?,” Beauty Business Journal, November 30, 2021
Media requests please contact support at virtualstorefronts dot com

The Uspace® Mission: Solve Problems, Protect People
Our Technology Is Built On A Foundation Of Safety And Privacy For People
Uspace®, short for Unpublished Space LLC, is an independently-owned technology company based in the Southeast United States. We develop technology networks designed for adoption by the general public to safely and efficiently conduct real life business. Virtual Storefronts is our second product. At Uspace, “The future of business is private and safe.”

Our Team
Virtual Storefronts Is Powered by Atlanta Technology Firm Uspace
Tobin Brogunier, Cofounder and CEO

Tobin is Cofounder and Chief Executive Officer of Uspace, the Atlanta-based company that builds Uspace Professional Services on iOS, Android and www.unpublished.space web apps. Tobin has worked in media, marketing and digital sales for major corporations and small businesses across the U.S. over the past 25 years. As CEO he manages marketing, legal, and product vision. Tobin has published articles and produced videos for Entrepreneur, CoFounders Town, SuperbCrew.com, Privacy Matters, and other publications. Member International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP).
Greg Morin, Financial Operations Advisor

Greg provides accounting and bookkeeping expertise to the Uspace team. Greg has worked with multiple technology startups and manages technical development for his business Seachem. As Uspace Financial Operations Advisor, Morin (Ph.D. Organic Chemistry, Notre Dame) brings his experience as Chief Financial Officer at Seachem Laboratories (seachem.com), a Georgia-based manufacturer and global supplier of freshwater, saltwater and reef aquarium products. Seachem has been supplying ornamental aquarium markets since 1980 with products available in over 50 countries worldwide.
Mike Boyle, Executive Advisor to CEO

Mike is an experienced executive with both public company and start-up organizations. Mike has served as a P&L executive as GM, SVP, COO and CEO. Tested and successful in sales, marketing, manufacturing, product development, software development, finance, budgeting, strategic planning, mergers/acquisitions, negotiations, staff development and recruiting, an entrepreneurial catalyst for the development of new business and expansion of existing products/services.
Tobin Sprout, Media Strategy Advisor

Tobin officially advises the business on media and audience strategy, publicity, and media. A founding member of seminal indie rock band Guided By Voices, Sprout wrote and collaborated on legendary albums like Bee Thousand, ranked #1 in Amazon’s Greatest Indie Rock Albums of All Time. Since the late 1990s, Sprout has been recording as a solo artist and is currently releasing new music. For over 30 years, Sprout has been quietly creating inspired and technically superb photorealist and expressionist paintings.
Dan Tentler, Information Security Advisor

Dan has been leading information security firm Phobos Group (Phobos.io) since 2016 after years working at companies like FICO, BT, Intuit, Rapid7 and Twitter as an Information Security Engineer and Consultant. Dan has made a name for himself by creating novel ways to fingerprint internet-connected assets, and automated that into Phobos Group’s repertoire of services. Phobos Group is currently debuting “Phobos Orbital Reconnaissance”, an automated subscription platform for discovering and enumerating internet connected assets to find likely candidates for attackers to exploit. He has been a featured speaker at many leading Information Security conferences across the United States and abroad, including DEFCon, BSides, Sec-T, Hack in the Box and many more.